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Montgomery County Citizen Academy Alumni Association (MCCAAA) | ![]() |
The name of the organization is “Montgomery County Citizen Academy Alumni Association” also referred to as “MCCAAA” or the “association”.
A. The purpose of the association is to:
Ø Function as an interactive support program between the Montgomery County Department of Police and the citizens of Montgomery County.
Ø Expand knowledge in the areas of law enforcement, crime prevention and public safety.
B. The MCCAAA slogan shall be: Education - Commitment - Partnership
A. There are two classifications of membership:
Ø Regular: Graduates of the Montgomery County Department of Police Citizen Academy who have paid the annual dues. Regular members may cast votes at the general membership meetings and may hold office.
Ø Honorary: Friends of the association, upon recommendation by the executive board. Honorary members shall have discussion privileges, but may not vote or hold office.
B. All applications for membership shall be accepted by the membership chairperson and submitted to members of the executive board for approval.
C. A member of the association may be suspended or expelled upon a majority vote of the executive board for:
Ø Violation of the Rules of Conduct.
Ø Other good cause as determined by a majority vote of the board (including, but not limited to non-payment of dues).
A. The administrative affairs of the association shall be supervised by an executive board (Also referred to as the “board”) consisting of the following officers: president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, program officer, activities officer and advisor.
B. Board members shall receive no compensation for services they perform for the association but shall be reimbursed for personal funds expended on behalf of the association.
C. The board may establish such committees and obtain assistance from regular members of the association as the business of the association may require. Committee members/assistants have no voting rights.
D. A majority of the members of the board shall constitute a quorum (fifty percent plus one). Each board member shall have one vote, and there shall be no voting by proxy.
A. Election of officers shall be held at the annual meeting by those members present.
B. Term of office will be, but not limited to, one (1) year.
C. Vacancies occurring on the board shall be filled upon approval of the proposed member by the remaining members of the Board.
D. A vacancy is created when a board member resigns or has three (3) consecutive unexcused absences from Board meetings.
E. An election committee shall be appointed by the board each year in March. A member appointed by the board shall serve as the chairperson of the election committee. The election committee shall create and collect the ballots at the start of the annual meeting, supervise and count the votes at the annual meeting and present the result to the board afterward. Any member of the election committee who accepts nomination for office is deemed to have resigned from the election committee.
A. General:
Ø The president or the treasurer is authorized to sign all checks for the association.
Ø The board must approve all non-routine expenses.
B. Individual Officers:
Ø Presides at and develops agendas for all meetings of the association.
Ø Explains and enforces the bylaws.
Ø Decides all questions of order.
Ø Calls all special meetings.
Ø Appoints committees on behalf of the board.
Ø Acts as liaison between the association and the MCDP representatives.
Ø Represents the association at public events.
Ø Presents MCCAAA to MCDP Citizen Academy participants.
Ø Performs such other duties as the office may require.
Ø Signs checks on behalf of the association in the absence of the Treasurer.
Vice President:
Ø Presides in the absence of the president, assuming all powers and duties of the president.
Ø Serves as the membership chairperson.
Ø Coordinates “1st Night” gathering for the MCDP Citizen Academy participants.
Ø Coordinates the MCDP Citizen Academy graduation with the MCDP liaison.
Ø Records the minutes of each Board, Electoral and additional meetings as necessary. The minutes will be distributed to the board within one (1) week after the meeting.
Ø Oversees the newsletter publication and the postal mail pick-up and distribution.
Ø Prepares and sends correspondence to the membership such as notices for meetings, programs and activities; thank you notes to speakers and guests; as well as distribution of the newsletter publication.
Ø Keeps an updated Calendar of Events.
Ø Maintains the written or electronic files, records and reports of the association such as historical records, bylaws, policies, minutes, newsletters, membership correspondence etc.
Ø Maintains the master membership database and the association’s group and email accounts.
Ø Maintains a supply of materials to communicate with the membership such as stationeries, letterheads, envelopes and stamps.
Ø Shall appoint, as needed, a committee to assist with publishing, mailing and distribution as well as appoint an historian who shall keep the association’s historical records.
Ø Receives all monies and makes deposits in the association’s account in a depository approved by the board.
Ø Executes new signature cards.
Ø Pays routine expenses of the association.
Ø Prepares and submits annual tax filings with the appropriate agency.
Ø Maintains full and accurate books and records of the association.
Ø Prepares and submits a written financial report at every board meeting.
Ø Presents regular financial statements and reports receipt of membership dues.
Ø Upon leaving office (1) presents a full accounting of the receipts and expenditures received to date and (2) hands over to his/her successor or the president of the board all financial records, checks and any cash on hand belonging to the association.
Program Officer:
Ø Seeks out speakers and works in concert with MCDP liaison regarding program speakers.
Ø Makes meeting place reservations for program presentations and association meetings.
Ø Notifies the secretary to send letters of thanks to speakers and guests.
Ø Notifies the secretary to send notices to members regarding programs.
Activities Officer:
Ø Arrange social, community and police-related activities.
Ø Coordinates the scheduling of activities with the MCDP liaison.
Ø Notifies the secretary to send notices to members regarding activities.
Ø Assists and advises the Board.
A. Annual Meetings shall be held on the third Thursday of May each year. Officers will present an annual summary report.
B. Executive Board Meetings shall occur monthly unless otherwise determined at a time and place to be determined by the board. All board Meetings shall be open to the general membership.
C. General Membership Meetings shall be scheduled no less than eight (8) times a year at a time and place to be determined by the board.
D. Special Meetings can be called by any member of the board if at least seven (7) days advance notice is given to all concerned stating the purpose, time and place of the meeting.
All proceedings of the association shall be conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised, except if provided otherwise in these bylaws.
A. The bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those voting at any general membership meeting if the general membership receives written notice of the intention to amend the bylaws, along with a copy of the proposed amendment, at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting.
B. If the proposed bylaw amendment is approved, the bylaws cannot be further amended for six (6) months. (This allows flexibility to change ANY of the bylaws after 6 months have passed.
Approved by executive board action this date __________________________________________
Approved by general membership this date ____________________________________________
These bylaws of the Montgomery County Citizen Academy Alumni Association were adopted on
________________________ and supersede all previous association bylaws and amendments.
Signed this _____________ day of _____________, 2007.
Chairperson, Bylaws Committee
Copyright © 2023 by the Montgomery County (Maryland) Citizen Academy Alumni Association. Please Contact Us with any comments or suggestions about MCCAAA or this website. This document was last modified on .